Bringing together artists and artisans from a wide variety of fields, from wood to ceramics, textiles to glass and drawing

Arlier is a collective of talents - artisans, makers, artists, small brands, entrepreneurs - who bring together knowledge and leisure. It's a place for sharing knowledge, learning by doing and learning how to do! It's a place to tell stories and histories of people and customs, a place to recapture time and traditions, where the desire to create meaningful moments and pieces together, exploring techniques and materials, gathers around the table.

Celebrating the new space, Artlier invited the whole team of creatives to take part in a collective exhibition revolving around Braque's quote: "Le vase donne une forme au vide et la musique au silence."

Images courtesy of: Inês Cabral

12:00 - 18:00

Collective exhibition "Le vase donne une forme au vide et la musique au silience" (George Braque)

May 23
18.00 - 21.00 Late opening and Inauguration of the new space


R. Gervásio Lobato 47B, 1350-151 Lisboa